How to Set Up a Promotional Code

A Negotiated Rate is typically a rate that your property has offered and has been agreed upon between your property and a company or specific group, and is usually a percentage reduction based on the amount of expected business the company will be generating for your property. A Promotional Code is a form of negotiated rate, but is one that your property may offer for use not with a particular company and without previous agreement from any group, instead with a specific set of circumstances in mind (such as a web code to use for a reduced rate when booking online). A promotional code therefore may be used by anyone fitting the desired parameters.

Note: A negotiated rate may only be added to a stay by associating the stay with a company or guest account. The negotiated rate must have been created and attached to a company or group account FIRST. As a promotional code may be used by anyone, the account in Skyware associated with the promotional code will not be for a specific company but will be generated from your property solely for use with the promotional code. This account will still be included in those shown on the Companies with Negotiated Rates screen (which shows a list of all your accounts in Skyware Systems that have a negotiated rate attached to them).


This Help topic is designed to walk you through the steps involved in setting up a promotional code, first by generating the account to associate with it, then adding the negotiated rates to be used when the promotional code is applied to a reservation. For more information on allowing the use of a promotional code with your website, please see How to Set Up Web Rate Codes.


Set up a Promotional Code for use at your Property:





The account, and the associated rates - in other words, the promotional code - is now ready for use when entering reservations into Skyware. Once the promotional code account is selected in the company field on the Reservation screen, the rate plan will be automatically updated and the associated rates will be applied to the reservation.

Schematic of selecting the company that the promo is associated with automatically adjusting the rate plan

Note: As can be seen, the promotional code is NOT used automatically for the reservation but must be selected. If this is a web promotional code, where the reservation is made online by the guest rather than by your staff, to have the promotional code AUTOMATICALLY link the online reservation to the account and therefore apply the specified rate, you will also need to enter a web rate code on the account screen.



Date Updated March 18, 2024